
red lasagne suit | Clothes on Film

behind-the-candelabra_red-lasagna-with-ostrich-cape_image-credit_christian-cordella-hbo-150x150-6154339 © 2013 Lord Christopher Laverty. All rights reserved. By: Lord Christopher LavertyFiled under Clothes from 1970s, Clothes from 1980s, Guys in Films, Interviews, Premium. Tagged Behind the Candelabra, chauffeur costume, Christina Cordella, costume sketch, Ellen Mirojnick, faux fur, HBO, jumpsuit, Liberace, Matt Damon, Michael Douglas, Neptunium fantasy, ostrich cape, Premium Content, Red lasagne cape, red lasagne suit, rhinestones, Western Costume, white fur coat. Bookmark the permalink.

Alongside costume illustrations with fabric swatch, Ellen Mirojnick explains the stage wear worn by Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. Continue reading