
October | 2015 | Clothes on Film

© 2015 Lord Christopher Laverty. All rights reserved. By: Lord Christopher LavertyFiled under Clothes from Fantasy & Sci-fi, Girls in Films, Guys in Films. Tagged 2001: A Space Odessy, After Earth, Amy Westcott, EVA suit, Hardy Amies, Interstellar, Janty Yates, life suit, Mary Zophres, Matt Damon, Mission to Mars, NASA, Prometheus, Ridley Scott, Sanja Milkovic Hays, spacesuit, Sunshine, surface suit, Suttirat Anne Larlarb, The Martian, Will Smith. Bookmark the permalink.

For a big budget movie about a lone astronaut who gets stranded on Mars, the spacesuits in The Martian are surprisingly sober in terms of design. There is an attempt here to make everything seem as plausible as possible, costume … Continue reading

© 2015 Lord Christopher Laverty. All rights reserved. By: Lord Christopher LavertyFiled under Clothes from now, Girls in Films, Guys in Films, Interviews. Tagged Anne Hathaway, Aude-Bronson Howard, contemporary, fashion, interview, Jacqueline Oknaian, Katherine Hepburn, Robert De Niro, sex and the city, suit, The Intern, Ugly Betty, vintage. Bookmark the permalink.

Jacqueline Oknaian has costumed Ugly Betty (2008-10), Sex and the City 2 (2010) and The Big C (2012-13), so it might be fair to say contemporary clothing is her forte. For The Intern she dressed Anne Hathaway and Robert De … Continue reading