Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman Costume: Full Paparazzi Reveal
These are not great photos, well they are not official photos, but they do at least confirm that Anne Hathaway is playing Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises and not just Selina Kyle. That is definitely a Catwoman costume.
Perhaps the biggest surprise with director Christopher Nolan and costume designer Lindy Hemming’s version of the costume is thigh high leather boots with steel spike heels and wedge soles. In Nolan’s (comparatively) realistic Batman universe, these boots seem more akin to an ironic S&M club than for scaling buildings as a cat burglar.

Then again, they certainly add sex appeal. Ditto the feline Alice band and traditional eye mask. Catwoman’s stand collar is all about function, keeping her as covered by the night as possible. But spike heels and pointy ears? We are sure Nolan and Hemming know what they are doing.
Click HERE for more shots of the costume over at, plus some of Christian Bale as Batman, whose outfit looks to be more sculptured than normal but otherwise remains externally similar.
The Dark Night Rises is released on 20th July 2012.
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