
rollneck | Clothes on Film

  • The Levi jacket worn by Ken Takakura as Ken Tanaka in Japan set thriller The Yakuza (1974, costume design by Dorothy Jeakins) is not Japanese denim. It was not made in Japan but is nonetheless representative of a time when denim as symbol of burgeoning Americana in the East would take off into the stratosphere, and has remained so ever since. Although Levi products were imported into Japan before the 1970s (Levi International was created in 1965), it was not until mid-decade that a Tokyo office was established. This was in response to growing popularity of all things American in Japan, especially denim and especially Levi. There was no single…

  • Potiche confirms that Catherine Deneuve will always be Belle de Jour, only now with added sense of humour.

  • Costume wise, This is Jinsy is deliberately bizarre and mismatched. Yet everything makes sense in context.


  • Some official images have surfaced for X-Men: First Class. The sixties costumes vibe is not excessive, however.


  • We have teamed up with Last Exit to Nowhere to find the coolest dressed character in the movies. FIVE of their amazing t-shirts to give away!

  • Though George Clooney is excellent, The American fails to hit the emotional notes expected.


  • The Lovely Bones has been chosen for this year’s Royal Gala screening at London’s Leicester Square.