
Amy Westcott | Clothes on Film

  • capone-hardy-1-8006053

    Finally we have a trailer for Tom Hardy’s Capone and it looks jim-jam tastic.

  • For a big budget movie about a lone astronaut who gets stranded on Mars, the spacesuits in The Martian are surprisingly sober in terms of design. There is an attempt here to make everything seem as plausible as possible, costume design especially. Director Ridley Scott’s regular costumer Janty Yates has created possibly the sexiest spacesuits ever seen on screen, and what’s more they are functional. To paraphrase a line in the film, she had to “science the shit out of them”. Yates collaborated with NASA looking specifically at their Z1 and Z2 prototypes to create an EVA (‘Extravehicular Activity’ – any time the crew must go outside) suit and surface…

  • What a busy twelve months it’s been for costume design. Really though, this art, or craft, or business (Deborah Nadoolman Landis insists it is definitely a business) gets more talked about each year. 2013 was especially exciting however as it seemed every month something even more thrilling arrived to fawn over. In the last few weeks alone we have had The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Sleepy Hollow, and now American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street on the horizon. Dipping back further, it was Stoker that got us excited about subtext, The Great Gatsby that slammed the lid on that twenties revival once and for all, and Behind…

  • The last TWO weeks in costume. Sorry, we were a bit busy. Paul Walker Costume designer Kristin M. Burke worked with Paul Walker on Running Scared. Here she shares a few personal memories of the man and the professional. Hollywood Costume The New York Times reviews the book we wrote a chapter for. Perfect for Christmas, or anyone inconsiderate enough to have a birthday around this time of year. Deborah Nadoolman Landis DNL presents a new show on TCM looking at memorable costume design. Twenty films covered in total every Friday night at 8 pm through December. American telly only though. Boo-erns. American Hustle So excited about this movie we…

  • When you are costuming the biggest franchise release of the year and creating a capsule range to run alongside it for a major online retailer, it is clear a normal approach to the task is not going to work. Ex-stylist and one time assistant for Michael Kaplan, Trish Summerville, one of the fastest rising names in the industry, has purposely sought out what many costume designers shy away from: co-collaborations with new and established fashion designers and, in several cases, pulling clothes directly from the runway. Summerville is smart and savvy with a feel for contemporary trends, though by not designing and making key items for The Hunger Games: Catching…

  • Superman’s new costume is underwear with a cape.

  • Exclusive Q&A with costume designer Amy Westcott about the After Earth life suit.

  • With the trailer for After Earth revealing an intriguing ‘life suit’ worn by Jaden Smith, we round up the best space suit related posts from our archive.

  • Our first proper trailer for After Earth and our first proper look at the ‘life suit’.

    the-hunger-games-catching-fire_jennifer-lawrence-capitol-couture-dress-side-crop_image-credit-lionsgate-001-4118390 looper_joseph-gordon-levitt-cutaway-full_image-credit-tristar-pictures_files-4629547

  • The press love Prada’s involvement with The Great Gatsby, but exactly how much does this help the film’s costume design?

  • Forgive the self-promotion as we draw your attention to Clothes on Film’s inclusion in book ‘Hollywood Costume’ edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis.

  • Who might win for costume design at the Orange BAFTA Film Awards?